Meeting & Study Rooms
Use of the Lincoln Heritage Public Library (LHPL) facilities is provided as a community service to patrons with the exceptions stated in the policy. The priority for use of the facilities is given to library-related or sponsored programs and activities.
The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the library does not constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies and/or beliefs by the library, its board, or its employees.
The LHPL located in Dale has three (3) meeting rooms on the lower level.
Local fire ordinances dictate room capacity
- Hoosier Room – 252 people maximum seating
- Spencer County Room – 114 people maximum seating
- Bookstore Room – 100 people maximum seating
- *Also available in the Café, across from the elevator- 12 maximum seating
For groups of 10 or fewer, the main-level study room may also be used on a first-come, first-served basis. Also for public use is the Storytime Room, if the study room is unavailable.
A form must be completed at the circulation desk when using any meeting/study room, as the library needs an accurate usage count for statistics purposes.
- Meeting rooms are expected to be used during regular library hours.
- All requests for use of meeting rooms must be made through the library director. Request forms are available at the library in Dale and the Chrisney branch.
- Requests may not be made more than three (3) months in advance.
- The use of the library meeting rooms during regular library hours will be granted at no charge to community groups of an educational, charitable, or civic nature. This includes public forums held by responsible civic organizations to present all sides of an issue to the public.
- The use of library meeting rooms during regular library hours by political, partisan, commercial, or religious groups may be permitted with a fee.
- The fee for use of a meeting room will be $15.00 per hour ($15.00 minimum).
- If the kitchen is used, there will be an additional $35.00 fee.
- All groups or individuals using a meeting room will be charged a deposit of $50.00 payable at the time a request is approved. The deposit will be returned after a library employee inspects the room and determines everything is in order.
- Any staff member of LHPL who requests to use a meeting room will have both the hourly fee and kitchen fee waived, however, a $50 refundable deposit will still be charged until the room has been inspected. This waiver strictly applies to the staff member’s immediate family only. (Children and/or spouse)
- Tables and chairs are available for public use within the building. All groups using the meeting rooms are responsible for setup, takedown, and cleanup of the room. The library staff is not responsible for the room’s setup, takedown, or cleanup.
- Advance notice of 24 hours must be given to the library if a scheduled meeting is canceled. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the deposit.
- Groups are expected to observe the library’s scheduled opening and closing times. Meeting rooms must be vacated no later than 15 minutes before closing time.
- Each organization or group assumes full responsibility for any damages incurred while using the facility. Abuse of the facilities will result in forfeiture of deposits and future use.
- Groups using the meeting rooms may not charge admissions, sell products, or ask for donations.
- All groups must remove their trash from the library premises.
- Smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- No form of gambling is permitted
- No open flames, such as candles are permitted.
- All young people’s functions shall have adequate adult supervision.
- Any young children brought to a meeting are expected to remain in the meeting room with their parents. There is no babysitting service in the Library for those attending meetings.
- The library assumes no responsibility for those attending the meeting’s hats, coats, or other personal belongings.
- No provisions can be made for the storage of equipment by regular users of meeting rooms, without the approval of the Director.
- The meeting rooms and kitchen must be left in good order.
- If kitchen facilities are used, the kitchen must be cleaned and electrical appliances unplugged.
- A copy of the use policy will be available in each room.
- The Director reserves the right to deny the use of the meeting rooms.