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Computer & Internet Use Policy

Computer and Internet Use

In response to evolving technology and the changing needs of the community,  LHPL endeavors to develop collections, resources, and services to meet its patrons’ informational, educational, and recreational needs.     

Computer use is a voluntary action initiated by patrons.  LHPL considers providing public computers and Wi-Fi access, without charge, a privilege extended to patrons. LHPL cannot guarantee privacy or confidentiality when patrons access the Library’s Internet system.  Additionally, the Library cannot guarantee the security of transactions over the Internet.
The Lincoln Heritage Public Library Board reserves the right to:

  • Implement a fee structure by use of the Internet and change the fees as necessary
  • Require the use of a library card for anyone using the Internet at the Library
  • Modify this policy at any time

Use of the library computers is on a first-come, first-serve basis.  An individual may check out a computer for an hour and request additional time depending upon computer availability.  Public use of the computers will end 10 minutes before the library closes for the day.  The library reserves the right to limit the time a person may use a public computer. 

  • Only one person will be allowed on a computer at any time.  The exception is when a parent/guardian supervises his/her child’s Internet use.
  • noise consideration is the same in the computer room as in the rest of the library. Noise should be kept to a minimum, i.e. the person next to a customer or at the next table should not be disturbed by conversation or sound. 

Patron Requirements
LHPL computer systems and public access Internet are open to the public.  Anyone interested in using LHPL’s workstations will be asked to show staff a library card, a driver’s license, or state identification to use the computer system.  Using any library card issued to another individual constitutes fraud and may result in losing library privileges for up to 6 months.

Patron Responsibilities
The Library reserves the right to monitor all use of the computers and review any materials stored in files to which all Internet users have access, and shall remove any material which, in its opinion, does not comply with this document. 

Expectations of Patron
Using Library computing resources is a privilege and subject to the following rules and restrictions. The following intentional actions are considered unacceptable and may result in the loss of computer resource privileges, library privileges, and/or prosecution by local, state, and federal authorities.

  • Accessing, transmitting, uploading, downloading, or distributing material or language, including, but not limited to pornography, child pornography, obscene material, abusive, sexually explicit, material harmful to minors, or in violation of local, state, or federal law; Developing, transmitting, or distributing material that is intended to annoy, harass, or alarm another person or material that insults, or potentially defames, slanders, or libels another person, including, but not limited to malicious, threatening, harassing, or obscene behavior. Obscene behavior includes the public display of obscene materials on a computer screen or in hard copy;
  • Engaging in any illegal activities using library computers or networks; Vandalizing, damaging, modifying, or disabling library computers, networks, software, electronic resources, or any library property; or violating or attempting to violate a computer’s security system;
  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to, or to distribute, any of LHPL’s confidential personal information, computing information, or other private information;
  • Users shall respect all copyright laws and licensing agreements about software, files, and other resources obtained via the Internet and all other protected material;
  • Attempting to obtain from another Internet user, or to provide another Internet user with, personally identifying information about a minor;
  • Violation of another person’s privacy; Disrupting others’ use of computer resources in any way; Minors shall not disclose personal identification information on the Internet.
  • Patrons are responsible for properly logging off personal accounts (email, banks, online employment applications, etc.)
  • The library reserves the right to deny computer use to anyone who does not comply with these guidelines. 

First offense: Immediate suspension from using LHPL computer access (including Wi-Fi) for one month and an incident report will be filed with the library director’s office.

Second offense: Immediate and permanent loss of LHPL computer access (including Wi-Fi) with Lincoln Heritage Public Library and an incident report will be filed with the library director’s office.

The patron’s library account will note a record of offense(s).  A form letter will be presented to the patron at the time of the offense and mailed to the customer’s address on record.  The library reserves the right to monitor what appears on the computer screens and the activities being carried out on the computers in the library.

Computer Searching
Patrons are expected to conduct their searches.  It is beneficial for patrons to know the Internet before accessing it on a library computer terminal.  Library staff members may not always be able to assist patrons at Internet terminals.

Patrons should not save anything to the computer’s hard drive.  Be aware that files downloaded from the Internet may contain viruses, and the Library is not responsible for your data contracting a virus.

The Library does filter access to materials by the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2001.  The staff may also request that a Patron refrains from displaying controversial sites that may be offensive to other Patrons of the Library, as stated in the ”Patron Responsibility” section of this policy.

Internet Disclaimer
Because the Library has no control over Internet sources, the Library is not responsible for its content or the information retrieved.  The Library makes no warranties, expressed or implied that the functions or content of the Internet will meet any user’s specific requirements, or that access will be trouble-free or uninterrupted.  Nor shall the Library be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost data, information, or income, sustained or incurred in connection with the use, operation, or inability to use the Internet.  Internet users are subject to applicable local, state, and federal statutes.  Any unlawful or malicious activity or any activity that causes harm to another person, the Library, or the Internet will result in loss of Internet use for the offending person.


In conjunction with CIPA, the “Children’s Internet Protection Act,” the Library incorporates filtering software to ensure that children will be protected from online predators to the best of our ability.  We do not guarantee that questionable sites will be blocked as websites change daily, so to protect your child we ask that you accompany them to the Library and assist them in their computer usage.

Computer Usage Age Guidelines
While the library staff will attempt to monitor Internet usage by patrons under the age of 18, it is ultimately the responsibility of parents to control their children’s Internet usage.  Also, LHPL does not permit young adults (aged 13-17) to access chat lines or other social networks on the Internet. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, FaceTime, Snapchat, MySpace, etc.  Young adults observed using chat lines/social networks will receive upon:

  • First offense: Immediately be suspended from using LHPL computer access (including Wi-Fi) for one month, and an incident report will be filed with the library director’s office. A parent or guardian on record will be notified by phone and a letter describing the offense and suspension.  The young adult customer’s account will also note the computer suspension.
  • Second offense: Immediately be suspended from using LHPL computer access (including Wi-Fi) until the young adult customer reaches 18. An incident report will be filed with the library director’s office. A parent or guardian on record will be notified by phone and a letter describing the offense and loss of computer privileges.  The young adult’s library account will also note the computer suspension.

Computers in the children’s room are not to have Internet access unless access is requested by a parent/guardian.  A child will lose computer privileges for one month if observed using the Internet on a children’s room computer.  And an incident report will be filed with the library director’s office.  A parent or guardian on record will be notified by phone and a letter describing the offense and loss of computer privilege.  The child’s library account will also note the computer suspension.

Display for Computer Screens in Lab
All computers will have a box displayed when first accessing the computer that states the patron agrees to all the rules concerning computer use.  The box must be checked before the patron can proceed on the computer.  The following are the rules:

  • Accessing, transmitting, uploading, downloading, or distributing material or language, including, but not limited to pornography, child pornography, obscene material, abusive, sexually explicit, material harmful to minors, or in violation of local, state, or federal law;
  • Developing, transmitting, or distributing material intended to annoy, harass, or alarm another person or material that insults, potentially defames slanders, or libels another person, including, but not limited to malicious, threatening, harassing, or obscene behavior. Obscene behavior includes the public display of obscene materials on a computer screen or in hard copy;
  • Engaging in any illegal activities using library computers or networks; Vandalizing, damaging, modifying, or disabling library computers, networks, software, electronic resources, or any library property; or violating or attempting to violate a computer’s security system;
  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to, or to distribute, any of LHPL’s confidential personal information, computing information, or other private information;
  • Users shall respect all copyright laws and licensing agreements about software, files, and other resources obtained via the Internet and all other protected material;
  • Attempting to obtain from another Internet user, or to provide another Internet user with, personally identifying information about a minor;
  • Violation of another person’s privacy; Disrupting others’ use of computer resources in any way; Minors shall not disclose personal identification information on the Internet.
  • Patrons are responsible for properly logging off personal accounts (email, banks, online employment applications, etc.)
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